Tuesday, October 9, 2012

Help Wanted - Apply Within

[This is not part of the Stupid Manager Tricks series. This is an actual call for contributions. Thank you! - Ed.]

The Skeptical Entrepreneur seeks input from interested readers. If this blog is going to fulfill its mission of skewering 21st century American business for the inane schoolyard/cesspool that it is, The Skeptical Entrepreneur is going to need help. Otherwise, the blog will simply become an ongoing screed by one underemployed crackpot - and, really, who needs that?

We're not looking to compete with, much less challenge, the fun folks over at That's My Boss, who are doing a fine-fine job on their own. TMB is more first-hand accounts of the sort of inanity that would be filed under "Stupid Manager Tricks." What The Skeptical Entrepreneur seeks is commentary, preferably from folks who have some idea, or experience in business to know what "good business practices" are, and what are not good business practices, and can exhibit, and criticize bad business practices.

If you have ideas for bad business practices that deserve to be dragged kicking and screaming into the sanitizing light of day, feel free to drop a line to Excellence in Entrepreneurship, Inc. with subject line "Skeptical Entrepreneur Submission." The Skeptical Entrepreneur himself would be open to considering experienced posters, who demonstrate a record of useful submissions, for enrollment as guest editors of this blog. Thank you!

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