Friday, March 22, 2013

A Sad State of [Veterans's] Affairs

The Skeptical Entrepreneur's companion blog, Well, Duh! has a new post on Sen. Richard Burr's (R-NC) effort to have the Senate Veterans's Affairs Committee assume some of the management functions of the Department of Veterans Affairs.

This is another sad example of how America's fighting men and women, once the battle is won and Johnny has come marching home, become a political football for partisan posturing. Supposedly, the United States sends its fighting men and women overseas for the sole purpose of upholding freedom, liberty and constitutional principles - never for territorial aggrandizement, or for regime change, or anything tawdry like that (except for, you know, that one-off aberration from 2003-2012).

Now comes Richard Burr, who never passes an opportunity to salute the troops, saluting the troops once again. Only this time, he's only extended one finger, a gesture so commonplace among Republicans that it might be termed the "GOP Salute to the Troops." Burr honors the sacrifices of America's fighting men and women who have come home with health issues requiring the services of the Department of Veterans Affairs, by betraying that very sacrifice.

By repudiating the constitutional principles for which American fighting men and women went overseas, Burr reveals himself, not as the champion of American warriors, but as their enemy. The full details can be seen at the Well Duh! post, and from the links therein; they need not be rehearsed here.

The Skeptical Entrepreneur wishes to go on record that Sen. Burr needs to return his policy to constitutional principles, or his constituents need to hold him accountable in 2016.

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