Wednesday, March 20, 2013

Of POTUS and Professional Road Warriors

From comes notice that POTUS was potentially immobilized during his State visit to Israel, when the driver of his limousine refueled the diesel-powered vehicle with gasoline. President Barack Obama had not yet arrived in Israel when the maintenance issue became apparent (the presidential Nova, or whatever the Hebrew version of Nova would be, failed to go), and a backup limousine was transported to Tel Aviv to await Obama's arrival.

Call The Skeptical Entrepreneur charmingly (or otherwise) naive, but he always thought that the security detail responsible for transporting the President of the United States was composed of professionals, equipped with procedural manuals and tough, realistic, real-world training designed to ensure that the prescribed procedure for any conceivable contingency would be followed spontaneously, and executed expeditiously. Now we find that the "professional" security driver was so out of it that s/he couldn't even double-check to ensure that the fuel that he was about to put into the presidential limousine was the correct fuel for the engine, and vice-versa.

TSE is left to wonder whether this incident is not an argument for a privatized solution.

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